Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kampung Biawak, Lundu, Kuching

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/400 sec at f/5.0, ISO 100

"Biawak" means Varanidae in english, a huge reptile in carnivorous lizard's family. There must be some reasons behind why the folks named their village as "Kampung Biawak" - Varanidae Vilage. Kampung Biawak is very close to the Sarawak-Kalimantan (Indonesia) border, approximately 20km driving from junction of Jalan Lundu Serayan.

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/320 sec at f/4.5, ISO 100

Majority of the residents are Bidayuh which is the collective name for several indigenous groups found in southern Sarawak. There are generally said to be three main linguistic groupings (Biatah; Bau-Jagoi; Bukar-Sadong).

Olympus E-510, ED 14-42mm, 1/250 sec at f/2.1, ISO 100

Olympus E-510, ED 14-42mm, 1/500 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100

They traditionally involved themselves by rotational agriculture and hunting based around farms populated from the parent villages situated on the hills for protection. Today, almost all the traditional longhouse-villages have been replaced by individual houses, and some primary schools and Roman Catholic churches can be found along the rocky and gravel roads. By roads and there is some plantation agriculture (oil palm, paddy, fruit trees, especially durian) remain important property markers.

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/500 sec at f/5.0, ISO 100

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/500 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100


Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/400 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100


Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/320 sec at f/4.5, ISO 200
Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/400 sec at f/5.0, ISO 100

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/400 sec at f/6.3, ISO 100

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/200 sec at f/6.3, ISO 100

. Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/400 sec at f/4.5, ISO 100

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/400 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/250 sec at f/5.3, ISO 200

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/320 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/320 sec at f/5.6, ISO 200

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/500 sec at f/5.0, ISO 100

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/640 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100


Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/400 sec at f/5.0, ISO 100

Olympus E-510, ED 40-150mm, 1/250 sec at f/5.3, ISO 100

"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. " Matthew 5:10

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